About Us

WhatToEat Bahrain

Food Directory with Offers. A complete guide for foodies.

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WhatToEat Bahrain - About Us | Food Guide | Food Discovery | Food Blogs | Offers | Restaurant | Cafes | Sheesha | Bakery | Desserts and much more!

App Features

We decided to create WhatToEat Bahrain to make the lives easier of people living or visiting Bahrain. It is a common issue to go through multiple websites/apps just to figure out where to eat and whether to go buy or order at home. There are many issues revolving this that we have personally faced. As a result, we believe it would be ideal to have a web-app where we solve multiple issues at once. Next time you cannot figure out WhatToEat, visit WhatToEatBH.com

Real Menu of Eateries

No more clumsy menus from Google. No inflated menu prices from delivery partners. Get the real menu of eateries in digital format.


We provide you with offers from eateries. Only for our members.

Amenities & Badges

We provide with amenities and badges to help make your decision faster.

Multiple Branches with Timings and Locations

Get multiple branches locations with timings.

Search & Filter

Search & Filter to get the best results based on your requirements.

Food Reviews & Blogs

Keep an eye on Food Reviews & Blogs. We help you discover new eateries and review their food.

WhatToEat Bahrain - About Us | Food Guide | Food Discovery | Food Blogs | Offers | Restaurant | Cafes | Sheesha | Bakery | Desserts and much more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

As the name suggests, we have built a platform for the food lovers in Bahrain. Instead of going over multiple websites/applications. You get all the information under one roof.