What is the idea behind this application?

What is the idea behind this application?

The idea is simple, to create an application that unites food lovers in Bahrain.

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Welcome to WhatToEat Bahrain. We know you might be curious about this application.

Our main focus was to unite food lovers and eateries in Bahrain. From customers side, they have to browse through multiple platforms just to get information about places to eat or order. Often, eateries do have their own delivery and customers aren't aware about it. According to our survey, more than 70% of the people suffer from high delivery prices and inflated delivery menus. As a result, eateries also lose potential customers. Sometimes, customers also prefer to go pick up their orders as it is pocket-friendly.


Keeping this in mind, we have created a platform carefully to provide benefits for both customers and eateries. We also like to provide offers and blogs (or what we like to call it - food for thought) to gain more awareness. So, next time a customer has to think WhatToEat they can use our application.

Note: Please bear with us as we try to list as many eateries as possible. Also, eateries are requested to contact us so we can show their benefits of listing with us.